Our partners in Serbia and Montenegro invited to participate in the praparation for the European Congress in 2007

Professor Klaus Albegger of Salzburg, Austria, has recently sent a presidential letter of invitation to the Serbian ENT Society to participate in the preparations for the next European Congress of ORL-HNS, integrating EUFOS with EAORL-HNS. The recipient, Professor Ranko Dergenc, is asked to submit a list of potential speakers and moderators belonging to the generation of promising scientists and clinicians of the younger generation, interested in specific topics and willing to participate in establishing the scientific programme for the meeting. For some time now, our Swiss Society of Friends of ORL has been contacting various organisms in order to promulgate the integration of S&M into the European specialist network. Our sincere thanks go to Professor Reidar Grenman, President of the Union Européene der Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS ORL) and Professors Albegger and Stammberger, President and Co-President of the European Congress in 2007, for their collegial cooperation in the realisation of these projects.