6. kurs preparacije temporalne kosti, i u nastavku kurs timpanoplastike, 6.-11. decembra 2010

Guest was, for the second time, Professor Daniel Bodmer, newly appointed Director of the University ORL Department in Basel, Switzerland. Further lecturers were Professors Stankovic, Vulekovic and Podvinec. Four participants from Macedonia, Bosnia and Republic of Srpska were present. Obviously, the participants were satisfied with the course, judging from the faces on the final photograph. The next courase is on the 8. and 9. December, 2011 !

Professor Dragan Dankuc was gracious host to the 6th Course in anatomy of the temporal bone and, in continuation, of the 2. Course in Tympanoplasty at the University ORL Depratment in Novi Sad, Serbia.


Ceo tim novosadskih specijalizanata je organizatorno pripomogao, a istovremeno bio i glavnina polaznika kursa. Iz Makedonije, BiH i Republike Srpske doslo je cetvoro polaznika. Radilo se veoma priljezno, i kursom su svi bili zadovoljni, kako to registruje i prilozena fotografija. Sledeci kurs se odrzava 8. i 9. decembra 2011 !

Profesor Dragan Dankuc je kao i uvek bio izvanredan domacin i direktor oba kursa. Gost je i ove godine bio novoizabrani direktor Univerzitetske klinike u Baselu, profesor Daniel Bodmer, a predavaci profesori Stankovic, Vulekovic i Podvinec.