Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Cantonal Hospital in Aarau
- Senior specialists: 4
- Trainees: 7
- Beds: 16
Prof. Dr. med. Frank Metternich
Head: Prof. Dr. med. Frank Metternich (
Assistant to Head: Dr. med. André Arnoux
Tertiary referral center for a population of about 700.000 inhabitants. Main activity concerns tumor surgery and therapy within an interdisciplinary network. Ear, sinus, skull base and endoscopic surgery are also routinely performed. Specialized consultations in pediatric audiology, voice care, disorders of smell and taste, as well as tinnitus round off the spectrum. Special collaboration with University Departments in Basel and Zürich. Training in the Department is certified by the Swiss Medical Society for 2 (of 4) years for Otorhinolaryngology and 1 (of 2) years for Head and Neck Surgery.
ORL Department, Cantonal Hospital Liestal
- Medical team: 9 physicians
- 22 hospital beds
![prof-dr-med-frank-metternich]( Kurt Tschopp
Head: Professor Dr. med. Kurt Tschopp (
Assistant to Head: Lecturer (Privatdocent) Dr. med. Nicolas Schmuziger
The Department is a tertiary referral centre for the Canton of Basel-Land. Besides, it is specialized for interventional sleep medicine. Diagnostics in sleep disorders like cardiorespiratory polygraphy, nocturnal manometry of the upper airways and peripheral arterial tonometry (Watch-PAT) are performed regularly. In surgery, the focus is on therapy of snoring and sleep apnea, including multi-level procedures where indicated. The training in the Department is recognized by standards of the Swiss Medical Society for 2 years of general ORL training (of four) and 1 year of Head and Neck Surgery (of two).
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Cantonal Hospital in Olten
Cantonal Hospital in Olten
Cantonal Hospital in Olten
The Kantonsspital Olten is one of two main localizations of the Solothurner Spitäler AG, and responsible for a population of about 100’000.
The ORL-Department offers the complete spectrum of basic and specialized ORL care. The outpatient clinic provides a wide range of modern diagnostic and treatment options, including specialized consultations for vertigo/dizziness, allergies, voice problems, swallowing disorders and snoring.
In addition to the routine pharynx, nasal and middle ear surgery, the field of surgical activity comprises oncologic, sinus, orbital and thyroid surgery, as well as esthetic surgery of the head and neck.
Training in the Department is certified by the Swiss Medical Society for 1 year for Otorhinolaryngology.
Dr. med. Silke Hasenclever
- Senior specialists: 2
- Trainees: 2
Dr. Silke Hasenclever was born in 1961 and studied Medicine in Aachen, Germany, where she began her ORL training at the University Hospital of the RWTH Aachen (Prof. G. Schlöndorff). In 1990, she went to the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf (Prof. A. Kurzeja), where she finished her ORL-Training in 1991.
During her postgraduate training, she spent 3 month as an Observer with Prof. Jatin Shah at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. In Düsseldorf, she completed additional fellowship training in “Head and Neck Surgery”, “Allergology” and “Computer science in Medicine”.
In 2001, she was appointed Head of the Department for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery of the Cantonal Hospital Olten, Switzerland.